måndag 23 november 2009

Like life

People come into your life. Some of them stays..cause you want them to or sometimes even if you don´t want them to.. Some of them vanish...same there-some of them because you want them to and some just do..
Then there´s them who won´t leave you, even if you want them to...but at the same time you don´t, cause you are scared they will disappear forever and what would your life be like then? They are the one´s you don´t know how to live without, cause it seems like they have been there forever and a part of you hoped, dreamed and prayed for that they would be just that-your forever ..
And you walk through life without them and at the same time they are always there, in one way or another, cause they are one of the biggest pieces of your heart, dreams and prayers..
And then there´s that day when you get to know that they are gone...that the dreams you had about them never gonna come true...and nobody has been listening to your prayers...and your life suddently become emty..
And you realize that the big piece of your heart will never be the same again, but worse of all is that it will never come to rest, cause though the things you know now that made you write this about someone you have lost, there´s still hope in that piece...though all! And you are so angry that not even this made you
Why? What´s the point.. Oh how you wonder..why...

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